Hario Cold Brew Coffee Maker Jug 1000ml
Whenever you wish to make a cup of milder coffee with rich flavour, you can rely on the Cold brew coffee maker jug to do the job for you.
The cold brew jug is made of the highest quality heatproof glassware which contains no unnecessary component. Which makes it perfect for storing your coffee in the fridge for longer times. It has a metal filter mesh which is durable and easy to clean too.
The simple jug allows you to make cold brew coffee easily without any hassle. Just place your favourite coffee ground in to the filter, add some fresh water and leave it overnight to enjoy a perfect cup of coffee over ice or on its own in the morning.
Hario Cold Brew Coffee Maker Glass Jug- Heatproof Glassware
- Metal Filter Mesh
- Easy to Use
- Easy to Wash
- 1000ml Capacity
- Article No.: CBS-10HSV
Hario Has You Covered
The cold brew coffee jug is covered by our money back guarantee, which means you can order it and if you do not like it, you can send it back to us within 30 days.