The Road to the World Barista Championships: Arvind Khedun
The Irish Barista champion, Arvind Khedun, has answered the Best Coffee questions for the World Barista Championship competitors ahead of the World of Coffee event. You can follow his journey on Instagram: @arvindkhedun
The WBC competition will take place at the Amsterdam World of Coffee on 21st to 23rd June this year.
What was your first coffee job?
Before I started as barista, the company sent me for barista training, then I started as a Barista.
If you didn’t work in coffee, what would you do?
I think I would work somewhere as a mechanical engineer.
Who would you most like to make coffee for and why?
I would say more for customers in a café and pass a little bit of information about what they are drinking.
If you opened a café today, what would be on your first day playlist?
Not just me, my wife too. She is the Latte Art champion.
What’s your favourite way to make coffee?
I don't have any favourite way of making coffee. It's all about making good coffee all the time.
What are you most excited about in coffee?
It's getting more and more popular. More people start knowing how to consumer better coffee.