The Road to the World Barista Championships: Mauricio Rodriguez
Mauricio Rodriguez, Perú's Barista Champion answers our questions ahead of competing as a competitor in the World Barista Championship at World of Coffee in Amsterdam. You can find out more about him on the WBC website.
The WBC competition will take place at the Amsterdam World of Coffee on 21st to 23rd June this year.
When did you fall in love with coffee?
When, for the first time, in 2013, I visited a coffee farm. I was a marketing trainee and I didn't know anything about coffee. It was a great experience and I fell in love with it.
What was your first coffee job?
At Central de Café & Cacao, a company dedicated to supporting and promoting the developing of coffee and cacao producers in Peru.
If you didn’t work in coffee, what would you do?
I would be the best marketer in Peru (haha).
What exceptional coffee will you be using in the WBCs in Amsterdam? Tell us about the coffee and what it tastes like.
I'll use a naturally processed coffee, from Incahuasi, Cusco, Peru. It's about 2100masl. It has berries, honey, and tamarind flavours, with a silky body.
Who would you most like to make coffee for and why?
For coffee farmers and their children because they often don't have the chance to drink specialty coffee despite producing it.
Who would play you in the story of your life?
Adam Sandler; he’s funny!
If you opened a café today, what would be on your first day playlist?
Birds (Coldplay), Catch and Release (Matt Simons), Spirit (Pájaro Sonrise)
What’s your favourite way to make coffee?
Espresso and V60.
What are you most excited about in coffee?
To get to know people from all over the world and enjoy the day to day.