The World AeroPress Championships: Jakub Remžík
Slovakian AeroPress Champion, Jakub Remžík, is not a coffee professional but has won the national AeroPress competition. He will now compete in the World AeroPress Championship with other coffee enthusiasts in Sydney. He has answered our questions for the competitors. You can follow his journey on instagram: @jakubremzik.
Why did you choose to enter the AeroPress Championship?
My curiosity in speciality coffee has grown to the level that I wanted to try the championship. I was just thinking about having a great day with other enthusiasts like me and to try to “push” myself, but never though of winning at all.
What’s your favourite way to make coffee (other than AeroPress of course!)?
Depends on location, when I am at a café, doubleshot is almost always my pick, but at home it is V60 most of the time.
What led you to using the AeroPress?
Too much drinking of V60 and espresso; I wanted to get results which would be something in between.
Which grinder will you use for the competition and why?
I will use my Comandante C40 MK3 grinder, because I am used to it and the consistency of the grind is good enough for the competition.
How did you get in to the coffee industry?
This is the funny part, as I am not a barista and not even working with coffee at all. I started with discovering speciality coffee some time in 2014, I was not that aware of it before. Since that time, I have been reading all the news from the industry, trying new possibilities with different coffee beans, and, mostly, trying to make the best coffee every time.
What are you most excited about in coffee?
There are tons of great coffee beans and every one tastes different. Countless flavour options when combining different beans with different grinds, water temperatures, and, of course, the way you prepare the coffee.